I have a program which runs in a window using OpenGL (VS2012 with freeglut 2.8.1). Basically at every time step (run via a call to glutPostRedisplay
from my glutIdleFunc
hook) I call my own draw
function followed by a call to glFlush
to display the result. Then I call my own screenShot
function which uses the glReadPixels
function to dump the pixels to a tga file.
The problem with this setup is that the files are empty when the window gets minimised. That is to say, the output from glReadPixels
is empty; How can I avoid this?
Here is a copy of the screenShot
function I am using (I am not the copyright holder):
// Grab the OpenGL screen and save it as a .tga //
// Copyright (C) Marius Andra 2001 //
// http://cone3d.gz.ee EMAIL: [email protected] //
// (modified by me a little)
int screenShot(int const num)
typedef unsigned char uchar;
// we will store the image data here
uchar *pixels;
// the thingy we use to write files
FILE * shot;
// we get the width/height of the screen into this array
int screenStats[4];
// get the width/height of the window
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, screenStats);
// generate an array large enough to hold the pixel data
// (width*height*bytesPerPixel)
pixels = new unsigned char[screenStats[2]*screenStats[3]*3];
// read in the pixel data, TGA's pixels are BGR aligned
glReadPixels(0, 0, screenStats[2], screenStats[3], 0x80E0,
// open the file for writing. If unsucessful, return 1
std::string filename = kScreenShotFileNamePrefix + Function::Num2Str(num) + ".tga";
shot=fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb");
if (shot == NULL)
return 1;
// this is the tga header it must be in the beginning of
// every (uncompressed) .tga
uchar TGAheader[12]={0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
// the header that is used to get the dimensions of the .tga
// header[1]*256+header[0] - width
// header[3]*256+header[2] - height
// header[4] - bits per pixel
// header[5] - ?
uchar header[6]={((int)(screenStats[2]%256)),
// write out the TGA header
fwrite(TGAheader, sizeof(uchar), 12, shot);
// write out the header
fwrite(header, sizeof(uchar), 6, shot);
// write the pixels
fwrite(pixels, sizeof(uchar),
screenStats[2]*screenStats[3]*3, shot);
// close the file
// free the memory
delete [] pixels;
// return success
return 0;
So how can I print the screenshot to a TGA file regardless of whether Windows decides to actually display the content on the monitor?
Note: Because I am trying to keep a visual record of the progress of a simulation, I need to print every frame, regardless of whether it is being rendered. I realise that last statement is a bit of a contradiction, since I need to render the frame in order to produce the screengrab. To rephrase; I need glReadPixels
(or some alternative function) to produce the updated state of my program at every step so that I can print it to a file, regardless of whether windows will choose to display it.
Sounds like you're running afoul of the pixel ownership problem.
Render to a FBO and use glReadPixels()
to slurp images out of that instead of the front buffer.