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Worklight Unauthorized to PATH/common/query

Everything worked fine with 1 adapter. Now I have 2 adapters and when I invoke them I get following errors:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized)
    Request [/Klappr/apps/services/api/Klappr/common/query] worklight.js:1292

    response [/Klappr/apps/services/api/Klappr/common/query] success: /*-secure-

{"responseID":"2","statusCode":200,"isSuccessful":true,"statusReason":"OK","WL-Authentication-Success":{"wl_antiXSRFRealm":{"userId":"ddu3aed2bvfmpg3b2spd369d2s","attributes": ...

The response works fine, but everything else in Dojo crashes after the response gets back.

What can I do?


  • Those errors are normal. You should have been getting them even with 1 adapter. Your dojo problem must be elsewhere.