Is there a way to update an object's property in twig?
An object like the following is passed to twig:
I would like to update property1 like this:
{% set object.property1 = 'somenewvalue' %}
The above code does not work, but is it possible to do something like this in twig? If not, is there a way to write an extension or macro to do this?
Answer from 2013
You can do it by merging objects:
{% set object = object|merge({'property1': 'somenewvalue'}) %}
Update from 2023
I don’t know from which version of twig this solution does not work anymore. Now you can only create an object with a new name:
{% set data = {foo:1} %}
{% set updated = data|merge({ bar: 2 }) %}
foo: {{ }} {# Produces “foo: 1” #}
bar: {{ }} {# Produces “bar: 2” #}