I will like to develop an application in Android 4 that shows some gauges, text, images, etc. It will display information read from sensors connected to IOIO board (hardware): - temperature gauges (linear and angular) - horizontal horizon (10Dof IMu) - speed (vertical gauge) - altitud (vertical gauge) - etc...
Basically like a Garmin G1000 but the horizontal horizon will be displayed in a square (not all the screen). For example this image: Garmin G1000 image
The screen will contain text and graphics. Some graphic may change high frequently (horizontal horizon, speed, etc), but other no (temperatures, fuel qty, etc). I was wondering what is the best approach to do it: draw all the screen with canvas, or put text with Textview and graphics with transparent bitmaps, or other options. I will like if someone could say me what he think about the best approach to design it and to organize the visual components. Thanks in advance.
With android, your design space is quit limited. So for something like that i would suggest nesting some layouts. You'd set one for the background and others for what ever function you wanna do. I also suggest planning what you wanna display and what layout is best optimized for the function.Eg:
Then from there it's a matter of making everything work. Here are some links on layouts: Link 1 Link 2