My customer previously distributed commercial Apps A, B, C, D into app store sometime ago which several has bought installed. Now they changed their mind and decided to create one container App 'X' in which A,B,C and D are included and now as in-app purchase items. In future through this app they will add more apps like 'E','F' etc.
Assuming Apple approves this container app, i would like to understand how below scenario will work.
I can 'Remove' A,B,C and D 'from sale' so that it no longer shows in app store.
Per apple a non-consumable purchased item should be there to download any number of times under the account in which it was purchased
If i am an user who already purchased A,B,C and D and now also purchasing 'X', and if i delete A,B will it be available again to download even if it is not currently available in app store (due to my 'Remove from sale')?
Whether Re-releasing as container app is recommended or not, that is what customer is ordering us to do.
I would like to know how above scenario will work. Any idea?
If i am an user who already purchased A,B,C and D and now also purchasing 'X', and if i delete A,B will it be available again to download even if it is not currently available in app store (due to my 'Remove from sale')?
Ans : No it will not be available for further download.
For iCloud Stuff, iCloud manage only your account purchase info. Actual downloading is done from Apple Store only.
Your purchased content is automatically downloaded from the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBookstore based on iTunes in the Cloud availability by country.
Refer this iCloud: Restore your iOS device from iCloud
I dont recommend to release container app because user who had already purchased the app they again have to spent money to unlock the In-App which is not good. But if your customers are fine with that then your choice.
One Suggestion, Instead of re-releasing the container application you can assign URL Schema for each application so that user can go other application directly from one application if it fines with you.