I know there are tons of tutorials online about how to convert from a string to hex. Well, I am having an issue with that.
My code (see below) works up to 31 characters and I cant for the life of me figure out why. Whenever there are 32 character it just maxes out at 7fffffff.
I need to be able to input something like "111111111100000000001010101000"
Should be an easy fix just not sure where
My attempt (compilable):
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int Base = 2;
long x;
char InputString[40];
char *pEnd = NULL; // Required for strtol()
cout << "Number? ";
cin >> InputString;
x = strtol(InputString, &pEnd, Base); // String to long
cout << hex << x << endl;
return 4;
This probably happens because the long is 32 bits on your machine and a signed long
can't hold 32 bits in 2's complement. You could try to use an unisgned
(which doesn't "waste" a bit for the sign) or a long long
which is 64 bits wide.
unsigned long x = strtoul(InputString, &pEnd, Base);
Or long long
long long x = strtoll(InputString, &pEnd, Base);
The functions strtol
and strtoul
have been available for a long time in C++. Indeed strtoll
and long long
have been introduced in C++11.