I've included my domains below. I'm trying to specify a unique constraint on a column that would make the column unique based on the value of another column, and unique within the parent domain.
public enum PostStatus {
public enum PostType {
class Post {
String content
PostType postType
PostStatus postStatus
Date dateCreated
Date lastUpdated
static belongsTo = [basicProfile:BasicProfile]
static constraints = {
content(blank:true, nullable:true, maxSize:5000)
postType(blank:false, nullable:false)
postStatus(blank:false, nullable:false, unique:'postType') //status must be unique within each postType, and within the parent.
static mapping = {
content sqlType:'text'
class Profile {
static hasMany = [
Right now the postStatus is unique within the postType, but it applies the unique constraint to the Post table. So the table allows one postStatus per postType and then a unique constraint violation occurs. What I need is one unique postStatus per postType for each Profile.
post table insert example: good record #1: profile id: 1 post_status: DRAFT post_type: INTRO
good record #2: profile id: 1 post_status: PUBLISHED post_type: INTRO
good record #3: profile id: 1 post_status: DRAFT post_type: FUTURE
bad record #4, violates unique constraint with record 1 even though it's for a different profile id. profile id: 2 post_status: DRAFT post_type: INTRO
The Post belongTo a Profile, so how would I define the constraint to make it unique per Profile? Essentially I'm trying to get at a compound unique key:
profile.id + postType + postStatus
Have you tried the last example described at http://grails.org/doc/latest/ref/Constraints/unique.html ?
e.g: postStatus(blank:false, nullable:false, unique:['postType', 'basicProfile'])