I have a problem with writing a simple function without too much repeating myself, below is a simplified example. The real program I am trying to write is a port of an in-memory database for a BI server from python. In reality there are more different types (around 8) and much more logic, that is mostly expressible as functions operating on polymorphic types, like Vector a, but still some logic must deal with different types of values.
Wrapping each value separatly (using [(Int, WrappedValue)] type) is not an option due to efficiency reasons - in real code I am using unboxed vectors.
type Vector a = [(Int, a)] -- always sorted by fst
data WrappedVector = -- in fact there are 8 of them
FloatVector (Vector Float)
| IntVector (Vector Int)
deriving (Eq, Show)
query :: [WrappedVector] -> [WrappedVector] -- equal length
query vectors = map (filterIndexW commonIndices) vectors
commonIndices = intersection [mapFstW vector | vector <- vectors]
intersection :: [[Int]] -> [Int]
intersection = head -- dummy impl. (intersection of sorted vectors)
filterIndex :: Eq a => [Int] -> Vector a -> Vector a
filterIndex indices vector = -- sample inefficient implementation
filter (\(idx, _) -> idx `elem` indices) vector
mapFst :: Vector a -> [Int]
mapFst = map fst
-- idealy I whould stop here, but I must write repeat for all possible types
-- and kinds of wrapped containers and function this:
filterIndexW :: [Int] -> WrappedVector -> WrappedVector
filterIndexW indices vw = case vw of
FloatVector v -> FloatVector $ filterIndex indices v
IntVector v -> IntVector $ filterIndex indices v
mapFstW :: WrappedVector -> [Int]
mapFstW vw = case vw of
FloatVector v -> map fst v
IntVector v -> map fst v
-- sample usage of query
main = putStrLn $ show $ query [FloatVector [(1, 12), (2, -2)],
IntVector [(2, 17), (3, -10)]]
How can I express such code without wrapping and unwrapping like in mapFstW and filterIndexW functions?
If you're willing to work with a few compiler extensions, ExistentialQuantification solves your problem nicely.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module VectorTest where
type PrimVector a = [(Int, a)]
data Vector = forall a . Show a => Vector (PrimVector a)
deriving instance Show Vector
query :: [Vector] -> [Vector] -- equal length
query vectors = map (filterIndex commonIndices) vectors
commonIndices = intersection [mapFst vector | vector <- vectors]
intersection :: [[Int]] -> [Int]
intersection = head -- dummy impl. (intersection of sorted vectors)
filterIndex :: [Int] -> Vector -> Vector
filterIndex indices (Vector vector) = -- sample inefficient implementation
Vector $ filter (\(idx, _) -> idx `elem` indices) vector
mapFst :: Vector -> [Int]
mapFst (Vector l) = map fst l
-- sample usage of query
main = putStrLn $ show $ query [Vector [(1, 12), (2, -2)],
Vector [(2, 17), (3, -10)]]
The StandaloneDeriving requirement can be removed if you write a manual Show instance for Vector, e.g.
instance Show Vector where
show (Vector v) = show v