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How do you import a custom polymer element from within a custom element?

I want to create a custom polymer element that incorporates custom elements from a third party library. My customelement.html file has this in the head section

    <link rel="import" href="packages/widget/components/accordion.html">
    <link rel="import" href="packages/widget/components/collapse.html">

All is well, the editor can find the referenced components.

At runtime, however, Dartium complains that the components can't be found:

http://(mylocalhost)/birdweb_web/web/packages/birdweb/packages/widget/components/accordion.html 404 (Not Found) 

From the URL it appears that Dart wants to find the custom elements in my application's library instead of in the top level packages directory.

How do I use third party polymer elements in my custom element?


  • That is a known bug (filed) a few days ago Issue 13684