I want to integrate Applovin SDK to my Cocos2d-x iOS app, but the delegate doesn't work.
[ALInterstitialAd shared].adDisplayDelegate = self; << Error: Use of undeclared identifier 'self'
[ALInterstitialAd showOver:[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]];
objClass *obj1 = [objClass alloc];
[ALInterstitialAd shared].adDisplayDelegate = obj1; << Error: assigning 'id<ALAdDisplayDelegate>' from incompatibile type "objClass *"
init: objClass* obj1 = [[objClass alloc] init];
[ALInterstitialAd shared].adDisplayDelegate = obj1; << Error: assigning 'id<ALAdDisplayDelegate>' from incompatibile type "objClass *"
How to fix this? I want to capture those listener events.
I've just resolved this issue, but I'm working with pure Object-C in Xcode. I was getting error until I added delegate methods: ALAdDisplayDelegate, ALAdLoadDelegate, ALAdUpdateObserver, ALAdVideoPlaybackDelegate
#import "ALInterstitialAd.h"
@interface VSGalleryViewController : UIViewController <UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDelegate, ALAdDisplayDelegate, ALAdLoadDelegate, ALAdUpdateObserver, ALAdVideoPlaybackDelegate>
Hope it helps