How could I avoid this dictionary (or create it dynamically)?
Dictionary<Type,Type> CorrespondingNullableType = new Dictionary<Type, Type>
{ typeof(bool), typeof(bool?) },
{ typeof(byte), typeof(byte?) },
{ typeof(sbyte), typeof(sbyte?) },
{ typeof(char), typeof(char?) },
{ typeof(decimal), typeof(decimal?) },
{ typeof(double), typeof(double?) },
{ typeof(float), typeof(float?) },
{ typeof(int), typeof(int?) },
{ typeof(uint), typeof(uint?) },
{ typeof(long), typeof(long?) },
{ typeof(ulong), typeof(ulong?) },
{ typeof(short), typeof(short?) },
{ typeof(ushort), typeof(ushort?) },
{ typeof(Guid), typeof(Guid?) },
You want to do something like:
Type structType = typeof(int); // or whatever type you need
Type nullableType = typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(structType);
To get the corresponding Nullable<T>
for a given T (in this example, int