I am developing an app, and I need to print ticketing.
my tools are: Zebra MZ220 printer ZebraDesigner v2 eclipse
in connecting the printer, and print test pages.
but my problem comes when I want to bring the format of the label set.
I created one called etiqueta.lbl label, and when I want to pick up this format in android, I get read but I get the name of etiquet.fmt and fields which introduces the labels do not appear in android, not as read correctly.
I have installed zebra utilities and sample code provided, but does not say anything
UPDATE: I'm working with bluethooth ,¿they could work with this printer with xml?
UPDATE 03/10/2013 09:01 :: printer.getFormatUtil().getVariableFields("utf8"); FieldDescriptionData[] variables = printer.getFormatUtil().getVariableFields(new String(formatContents, "utf8"));
and so is the object
and this is the identifier we introduce in the zebra D Design
as I can do to vega not null and if the name I choose?
Yes, this is my code:
byte[] formatContents = printer.getFormatUtil().retrieveFormatFromPrinter(sFormato);
FieldDescriptionData[] variables = printer.getFormatUtil().getVariableFields(new String(formatContents, "utf8"));
there any way to create a dynamic list?
UPDATE 07/10/2012: in the end this is what happened:
the two response helped me a lot,I created a small class that I printed with the printer language, CPCL not support other. thank you very much
How did you export the label from ZebraDesigner? Is it CPCL or ZPL? Do the built in format labels in ZebraUtilities work for your printer?
An MZ220 is a CPCL printer, so you need to give it CPCL. The saved .lbl
file from ZebraDesigner is NOT ready to go for a printer, you need to export the label as CPCL and feed that to the printer