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How to find max value in ilnumerics symetric matrix?

I have an ilnumerics symetric matrix of double like that

100        90,38000   87,27000   44,23000   34,62000   30,77000 
90,38000        100   90,91000   34,62000   44,23000   34,62000 
87,27000   90,91000        100   36,36000   38,18000   47,27000 
34,62000   44,23000   38,18000   89,80000        100   90,38000 
30,77000   34,62000   47,27000   86,54000   90,38000        100 

I want to find maximum value. I use

ILNumerics.ILRetArray<double> maxValue = ILNumerics.ILMath.maxall(matrixSimilarity);

The result is maxValue = 100. I want result without taking the values ​​on the diagonal => maxValue = 90,91

How can do this with ilnumerics function in C#?


  • There might be faster ways to the result, but this would work:

    ILArray<double> E = counter(5, 5);

    E is now:

    <Double> [5,5]
        [0]:          1          6         11         16         21 
        [1]:          2          7         12         17         22 
        [2]:          3          8         13         18         23 
        [3]:          4          9         14         19         24 
        [4]:          5         10         15         20         25 

    Copy to a new variable, modify the diagonal and acquire the maximum value:

    // make a copy of E
    ILArray<double> maxE = E.C; 
    // set diagonal of the copy to smallest value
    maxE[r(0,maxE.S[0]+1,numel(maxE)-1)] = minall(maxE); 
    // compute the max value 
    maxE = maxall(maxE); 
    <Double>         24 

    Note, the code is expected to get executed in the context of a subclass of ILMath, as usual.