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Tastypie foreign Key relationship 'dict' object has no attribute 'obj'

I'm having a problem with tastypie and I just can't find what caused it. Similar question without answers: Tastypie foreign key relationship throwing error


class VoteResource(ModelResource):
    choice = fields.ToOneField(ChoiceResource, 'choice', full=True)
    user = fields.ToOneField(UserResource, 'user')

    class Meta:
        queryset = Vote.objects.all()
        resource_name = 'vote'
        always_return_data = True
        filtering = {
            'id': ALL,
            'user': ALL_WITH_RELATIONS,
            'choice': ALL_WITH_RELATIONS

    def hydrate(self, bundle):    
        bundle.obj.user = bundle.request.user
        return bundle

Request payload for creating the object:

  "choice": "/api/v1/choice/210/"

(user is getting added automatically through hydrate). The exception is thrown in inside full_hydrate. According to django console my object is getting loaded correctly.

The line inside tastypie causing this is

setattr(bundle.obj, field_object.attribute, value.obj) # value obj is the evil one

Tastypie sourcecode here

What's killing me is, that it worked like 2 days ago. I added 1 other resource without touching choice, user or any other connected with the model. I checked the recent commit history and the resource is untouched.


  • Debugged my way through the tastypie source and solved my problem.

    Looks like tastypie is calling dehydrate on related objects first. Because of a misunderstanding, I returned the bundle's data in choice's dehydrate instead of the actual bundle itself.

    When tastypie dehydrates choice, it obviously does not get a bundle object and therefore does not have obj.