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How to compute the Kronecker sum with Ilnumerics matrix?

I have result in this matrix

M matrix

0   2   8   10  6   8
2   0   10  8   8   6
8   10  0   2   5   7
10  8   2   0   7   5
6   8   5   7   0   2
8   6   7   5   2   0

This M Matrix is obtain with this 2 matrix A & B

A matrix

0   8   6
8   0   5
6   5   0

B matrix

0   2
2   0

It seems that the result in the matrix M is the Kronecker sum of the matrices A and B

The wikipedia article Matrix addition indicates: The Kronecker sum is different from the direct sum but is also denoted by ⊕. It is defined using the Kronecker product ⊗ and normal matrix addition. If A is n-by-n, B is m-by-m the Kronecker sum is defined by:

enter image description here

In C#, is it possible to calculate the Kronecker sum with Ilnumerics function ?


  • Have you looked at Math.NET open source project?

    Kronecker sum