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Determine minimum and maximum of all CSV columns

I need to find the minimum and maximum values of all the columns in CSV and use those values for my slider in my web page. Initially, I am determining the total columns in the CSV file and based on the total columns, I am creating those many sliders (like amazon's price slider). This is the piece of code for creating the sliders.

for ( $i = 1; $i < $totalcolumns; $i++ ) { 
    echo '<input type="text" data-slider="true" data-slider-range="1,500" data-slider-step="1"/>';

In the above piece of code, the data-slider-range is given as 1,500. However, I need to define these values based on the minimum and maximum values of my CSV columns. If I know my total columns beforehand, I am able to determine the minimum and maximum values of all the columns as discussed in this link.

Suppose if there are 5 columns in my CSV file, I need to include 5 sliders and find the minimum and maximum for all the 5 columns and use them as the data-slider-range in the above code.

Can someone please guide me in the right way? I am not sure if this is to be done in PHP or javascript as am entirely new to these technologies.


To find the total columns, I use another PHP file in which am using the below piece of code.

$handle = fopen('demo.csv', 'r');
if (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ',')) !== false) {

And then, I am using SESSION to pass the count($data) to my current PHP file.

$_SESSION["totalcolumns"] = count($data);

In my current PHP file, I am accessing the total columns in my CSV file as below.

$totalcolumns = $_SESSION["totalcolumns"];


  • You need to modify piece of code where you get $totalcolumns to:

    $data = [];
    $total_columns = 0;
    $handle = fopen('data.csv', 'r');
    while (false !== ($row = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ','))) {
        0 === $total_columns and $total_columns = count($row);
        $i = 0;
        while (++$i <= $total_columns) {
            $data[$i][] = (int) $row[$i - 1];
    $i = 0;
    while (++$i <= $total_columns) {
        $_SESSION["min-column-$i"] = min($data[$i]);
        $_SESSION["max-column-$i"] = max($data[$i]);
    $_SESSION['totalcolumns'] = $total_columns;

    For such data.csv:


    you'll have this $_SESSION values:

    array(11) {
        'min-column-1' => int(3)
        'max-column-1' => int(10)
        'min-column-2' => int(4)
        'max-column-2' => int(8)
        'min-column-3' => int(1)
        'max-column-3' => int(7)
        'min-column-4' => int(6)
        'max-column-4' => int(8)
        'min-column-5' => int(2)
        'max-column-5' => int(8)
        'totalcolumns' => int(5)

    Then you'll be able to use range values like this:

    $i = 0;
    while (++$i <= $_SESSION['totalcolumns']) {
        $range = $_SESSION["min-column-$i"] . ',' . $_SESSION["max-column-$i"];
        echo '<input type="text"
                     data-slider-range="', $range, '"