Problem: How can I get liveliness notifications of booth publisher connect and disconnect?
Background: I'm working with a OpenDDS implementation where I have a publisher and a subscriber of a data type (dt), using the same topic, located on separate computers.
The reader on the subscriber side has overridden implementations of on_data_available(...)
and on_liveliness_changed(...)
. My subscriber is started first, resulting in a callback to on_liveliness_changed(...)
which says that there are no writers available. When the publisher is started I get a new callback to telling me there is a writer available, and when the publisher publishes, on_data_available(...)
is called. So far everything is working as expected.
The writer on the publisher has a overridden implementation of on_publication_matched(...)
. When starting the publisher, on_publication_matched(...)
gets called since we already have a subscriber started.
The problem is that when the publisher disconnects, I get no callback to on_liveliness_changed(...)
on the reader side, nor do I get a new callback when the publisher is started again.
I have tried to change the readerQos by setting the readerQos.liveliness.lease_duration
But the result is that the on_data_available(...)
never gets called, and the only callback to on_liveliness_changed(...)
is at startup, telling me that there are no publishers.
DDS::DataReaderQos readerQos;
m_subscriber->get_default_datareader_qos( readerQos );
DDS::Duration_t t = { 3, 0 };
readerQos.liveliness.lease_duration = t;
m_binary_Reader = static_cast<binary::binary_tdatareader( m_subscriber->create_datareader(m_Sender_Topic,readerQos,this, mask, 0, false) );
Ok, guess there aren't many DDS users here.
After some research I found that a reader/writer match occurs only if this compatibility criterion is satisfied: offered lease_duration <= requested lease_duration
The solution was to set the writer QoS to offer the same liveliness. There is probably a way of checking if the requested reader QoS could be supplied by the corresponding writer, and if not, use a "lower" QoS, all thou I haven't tried it yet.
In the on_liveliness_changed callback method I simply evaluated the alive_count in the from the LivelinessChangedStatus.