In scheme, the new multiply function is:
( define ( iter b a n)
( cond (( = b 0) n)
(( even? b) ( iter ( / b 2) ( * 2 a) n))
( else ( iter ( - b 1) ( / ( * a b) ( - b 1)) ( + a ( * a ( - b 1)))))))
( define ( mul b a)
( iter b a 1))
the question requires me to use iterative method rather than recursive method to deal with this problem, my thinking is following:
for example: ( mul 2 3 )
b a n
begin: 2 3 1
1 : 1 6 1
2 : 0 6/0 6
Obviously, in step 2, a equals 6/0. That should be impossible. But the function works well. Could anyone explain this? Here is the example in an online Scheme interpreter.
No, the function doesn't work well. Copy a fresh definition of the procedure, run it again and you'll see the error:
(define (iter b a n)
(cond ((= b 0) n)
((even? b)
(iter (/ b 2) (* 2 a) n))
(iter (- b 1) (/ (* a b) (- b 1)) (+ a (* a (- b 1)))))))
(define (mul b a)
(iter b a 1))
(mul 2 3)
=> /: division by zero
In fact, the expected solution would be more along these lines, and notice that special care must be taken in case that b
is negative:
(define (iter a b n)
(cond ((zero? b) n)
((even? b)
(iter (+ a a) (/ b 2) n))
(iter a (- b 1) (+ a n)))))
(define (mul a b)
(if (< b 0)
(- (iter a (- b) 0))
(iter a b 0)))
And following your example, here's how the parameters look in each iteration when we execute (mul 2 3)
a b n
begin: 2 3 0
1 : 2 2 2
2 : 4 1 2
3 : 4 0 6