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How to save page settings for the next session?

With my Greasemonkey script, I've added a checkbox. My idea is that if the checkbox is true do something, but if it is false do nothing.

I also want the checkbox to remember the user's last choice, so that if the user closes the webpage or browser, when he returns the checkbox is again true/false.

For example:


In this example, I want check0 to be always true. But, when I reload the page it is false until I click the checkbox again.


  • Use GM_setValue() or localStorage to save the input state between page loads.

    Here is a complete Greasemonkey script, using jQuery, that shows the process. It is for normal, static pages. (For AJAX-driven pages you would also use waitForKeyElements):

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name     _Save checkbox state between page visits
    // @include  http://YOUR_SERVER.COM/YOUR_PATH/*
    // @require
    // @grant    unsafeWindow
    // ==/UserScript==
    //-- Get saved state:
    var chk0wasChked    = (localStorage.getItem ('check0_state')  ==  "true");
    //-- Get current state:
    var chk0isChked     = $('input[name=check0]').prop ('checked');
    /*-- If the states don't match, click the checkbox to synch them up.
        We need a small delay to avoid race conditions.
    setTimeout (setThenMonitorCheckboxState, 333);
    function setThenMonitorCheckboxState () {
        if (chk0wasChked != chk0isChked) {
            unsafeWindow.$('input[name=check0]').click ();
        //-- *After* the initial set, monitor & save any future state changes:
        $('input[name=check0]').click ( function () {
            var chk0isChked = $('input[name=check0]').prop ('checked');
            localStorage.setItem ('check0_state', chk0isChked);
        } );

    Note: The question was not clear. If the original click handler for input[name=check0] was set by the target page. Use the code as above.

    But, if the original click handler for input[name=check0] was set by the Greasemonkey script, then change unsafeWindow.$ to just $.