I usually have \let\phi\varphi
in preambles of my LaTeX files, for aesthetics reasons. Is it possible to do something similar in MathJax? I tried defining macros
but it seems to have confused MathJax (no math was rendered on the page at all). What is the proper way to do this?
What you have done should work, so I suspect something is typed wrong or in the wrong place in your file. Here is a complete working example file:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>MathJax Macros Configuration</title>
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
MathJax.Hub.Config({TeX: {Macros: {phi:"\\varphi"}}});
<script src="http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_HTML"></script>
phi \(\phi\) and varphi \(\varphi\) should both be the same.