I'm playing with these basic TCP test scripts and would like to know: "How to get the IP-Address of clients connecting to the server?"
Any ideas? I tried to probe a client subport at the server-side, but it doesn't show the remote-ip.
Can someone give me hints on gathering that information. I know how it works within Rebol2, but I'm not familiar with the Rebol3 port model.
You can obtain that information by calling QUERY on the client port!
, which will return an object with remote-ip
and remote-port
Here's a simple example illustrating this, with a simple service that listens for connections on port 9090 and prints the address of clients connecting to that service:
rebol []
awake-server: func [event /local client info] [
if event/type = 'accept [
client: first event/port
info: query client
print ajoin ["Client connected: " info/remote-ip ":" info/remote-port]
close client
serve: func [endpoint /local listen-port] [
listen-port: open endpoint
listen-port/awake: :awake-server
wait listen-port
serve tcp://:9090