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Setting an image src to empty

I would like to set an image as nothing. By doing src="" many people say it can cause problems to browsers:

so I am not sure if below can face to the same problem as setting src to empty:

<img id="myImage">

since there's no src attribute on this case.

So If I want to initially set an image to nothing, what's the best I can do?


  • Best solution

    Initialise the image as follows: src="//:0" like here: <img id="myImage" src="//:0">

    Edit: as per the comment of Alex below, using //:0 apparently can trigger the onError event of the img. So beware of this.

    Edit 2: From comment by Drkawashima: As of Chrome 61 src="//:0" no longer seems to trigger the onError event.

    Other solution

    Alternatively, you can use a very small image until you actually fill the src tag: like this image. With this 'very small image', you would then initialise the tag like so:

    <img src="%3D" width="0" height="0" alt="" />


    Remove element from DOM

    Alternatively, if you simply don't want the element to appear in the DOM, just use some JavaScript:

    var myObject = document.getElementById('myObject');

    (as per this answer, using JavaScript's .remove() function is not recommended, due to poor browser support in DOM 4)

    Or just use some jQuery:
