I'm currently facing a problem, that I can't solve. I am using a nested set for all my categories, and when I need to move them, there is some kind of bug. My problem is, that if I want to move a node - e.g. ID=2 from "top-level" to underlay ID=1 and change Rgt=1 and Lft=4 on ID=1 + Rgt=2 and Lft=3 on ID=2, then it will all work.
The problem is, that if I try to move the node with ID=2 to the last node - ID=5, Rgt=9, Lft=10, then it really ruins my table - and I can't see what is going wrong in the mySQL query - hope you can help...
My table WHEN I START is like this:
ID | Name | Rgt | Lft | ParentID
1 | Trousers | 1 | 2 | 0
2 | Jeans | 3 | 4 | 0
3 | Tops | 5 | 6 | 0
4 | T-shirts | 7 | 8 | 0
5 | Shirts | 9 | 10 | 0
And my query is like this:
@node_id := '2',
@node_pos_left := '3',
@node_pos_right := '4',
@parent_id := '5',
@parent_pos_right := '10';
@node_size := @node_pos_right - @node_pos_left + 1;
UPDATE ss_C_Categories
SET Lft = 0-(Lft), `Rgt` = 0-(Rgt)
WHERE Lft >= @node_pos_left AND Rgt <= @node_pos_right;
UPDATE ss_C_Categories
SET Lft = Lft - @node_size
WHERE Lft > @node_pos_right;
UPDATE ss_C_Categories
SET Rgt = Rgt - @node_size
WHERE Rgt > @node_pos_right;
UPDATE ss_C_Categories
SET Lft = Lft + @node_size
WHERE Lft >= IF(@parent_pos_right > @node_pos_right, @parent_pos_right - @node_size, @parent_pos_right);
UPDATE ss_C_Categories
SET Rgt = Rgt + @node_size
WHERE Rgt >= IF(@parent_pos_right > @node_pos_right, @parent_pos_right - @node_size, @parent_pos_right);
UPDATE ss_C_Categories
Lft = 0-(Lft)+IF(@parent_pos_right > @node_pos_right, @parent_pos_right - @node_pos_right - 1, @parent_pos_right - @node_pos_right - 1 + @node_size),
Rgt = 0-(Rgt)+IF(@parent_pos_right > @node_pos_right, @parent_pos_right - @node_pos_right - 1, @parent_pos_right - @node_pos_right - 1 + @node_size)
WHERE Lft <= 0-@node_pos_left AND Rgt >= 0-@node_pos_right;
UPDATE ss_C_Categories
SET ParentID = @parent_id
WHERE CategoryID = @node_id;
After performing the query, this is what my table looks like:
ID | Name | Rgt | Lft | ParentID
1 | Trousers | 1 | 2 | 0
2 | Jeans | 10 | 11 | 5
3 | Tops | 5 | 6 | 0
4 | T-shirts | 3 | 4 | 0
5 | Shirts | 7 | 8 | 0
I've used this answer as my inspiration on how to do these moves: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1274175/1308905
Well, now I've made my own MySQL with help from a lot of drawings, and I think this should be the way to go, IF (and only in exactly this case): - You are going to move a node from one parent to another. In other words - DON'T use this for moving to "top-level" (yet). I haven't tested it yet.
Though it should be bulletproof for moving a sub-tree to another parent (no matter what level the new parent is on). :-)
$query = $this->prepare("
@node_id := :nodeID, #id of the node, you're moving.
@node_pos_left := :nodeLeft, #left value of the node, you're moving
@node_pos_right := :nodeRight, #right value of the node, you're moving
@parent_id := :parentID, #id of the parent node, you're moving to
@parent_pos_right := :parentRight; #right value of the parent node, you're moving to.
@node_size := @node_pos_right - @node_pos_left + 1;
@node_id := :nodeID,
@node_pos_left := :nodeLeft,
@node_pos_right := :nodeRight,
@parent_id := :parentID,
@parent_pos_right := :parentRight;
@node_size := @node_pos_right - @node_pos_left + 1;
UPDATE ss_C_Categories
SET Lft = 0-(Lft), Rgt = 0-(Rgt)
WHERE Lft >= @node_pos_left AND Rgt <= @node_pos_right;
UPDATE ss_C_Categories
SET Lft = Lft + @node_size
WHERE Lft >= @parent_pos_right;
UPDATE ss_C_Categories
SET Rgt = Rgt + @node_size
WHERE Rgt >= @parent_pos_right;
UPDATE ss_C_Categories
SET Lft = 0 - (Lft) + (@parent_pos_right - @node_pos_right + 1)
WHERE Lft < 0;
UPDATE ss_C_Categories
SET Rgt = 0 - (Rgt) + (@parent_pos_right - @node_pos_right + 1)
WHERE Rgt < 0;
UPDATE ss_C_Categories
SET Lft = Lft - @node_size
Lft > @node_pos_right;
UPDATE ss_C_Categories
SET Rgt = Rgt - @node_size
Rgt > @node_pos_right;
CategoryName = :name,
MetaTag = :metatag,
ParentID = @parent_id,
Description = :desc
CategoryID = @node_id
CategoryID desc
$params = array(
array('nodeLeft', $nodeLeft, 'INT'),
array('nodeRight', $nodeRight, 'INT'),
array('nodeID', $nodeID, 'INT'),
array('parentRight', $parentRight, 'INT'),
array('parentID', $parentID, 'INT'),
array('name', $data['name'], 'STR'),
array('metatag', $data['metatag'], 'STR'),
array('desc', $data['description'], 'STR')
$this->exec($query, $params);
Again with inspiration from the link in the question.