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Factorial in Assembly Language

I want to find a factorial of a number which is less than 8 using this code. but this is not working can anyone help me out? This was my home work. i tried but it is printing same character again and agian..

.model small_  

no db 1h_ ;  
counter db 1_  
string1 db "Please Enter the No. to calculate factorial (0~8): ","$"  
string2 db "Factorial is: ","$"  

main proc  
mov ax,@data  
mov ds,ax  
mov dx,offset string1  
mov ah,09h  
int 21h  
mov cl,1  
cmp counter,3  
ja End1  
mov ah,01h  
int 21h  
sub al,48  
inc counter  
mov no,al  
cmp no,8  
ja loop1  

cmp no,cl  
je display  
mul al,cl  
inc cl  
jmp factorial  

mov ax,@data  
mov ds,ax  
mov dx,offset string2  
mov ah,09  
int 21h  
mov dl,al  
add dl,48  
mov ah,02h  
int 21h  
mov ah,4ch  
int  21h  
main endp  
**_End main _**


  • You have at least three major problems in your code:

    • 8! is too large to fit into AL.
    • Your printing code only works for numbers up to 9. You're adding 48 and then printing as a character, which is fine for single-digit, but even for 10 it can't work. You need to write a complete section for printing numbers (or maybe use one that your professor provided)?
    • You are storing the result of your computation in AL, but you overwrite it when you do mov ax, @Data.