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How to load just the last record from entity with LINQ?

I want to fetch value of field named "Gram" from the last record and put its value into a variable, without using any conditions.

First I tried

int value = int.Parse(Entity.TblGold.LastOrDefault().Gram.ToString());

Second I tried

int value = int.Parse(Entity.TblGold.Select(p => p.Gram).Last().ToString());

I just receive this exception:

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'DataModel.TblGold LastOrDefault[TblGold](System.Linq.IQueryable``1[DataModel.TblGold])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.


  • Last or LastOrDefault are not supported in LINQ to Entities. You can either iterate your query using ToList or ToArray and then apply Last or you can order by descending and then use the First like:

    int value = int.Parse(Entity.TblGold
                                .OrderByDescending(p => p.Gram)
                                .Select(r => r.Gram)