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Procmail: Forwarding email dynamically

I want to use procmail to forward all incoming email to an email address. Normally I would just do this:


BUT: In this case I don't know the receiver. Insteasd, the receiver is calculated by a PHP script based on the incoming email content.

So I need something like this:

| /usr/bin/php /var/www/calculatereceiver.php   <== The output of this script is the $RECEIVER address


Of course the above code doesn't work. My problem is: How can I manage that procmail forwards the mail to the output of thwe first script?

Best greetings,



  • Procmail: program/script output to variable (email on STDIN)

    Try the following:

    RECEIVER=`/usr/bin/php /var/www/calculatereceiver.php`
    ! $RECEIVER 

    More secure version that may not work with all sendmail look alikes:

    RECEIVER=`/usr/bin/php /var/www/calculatereceiver.php`
    ! -- $RECEIVER

    Documentation references

    man procmailrc :

    Any program in backquotes started by procmail will have the entire mail at its stdin