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handling large cookies or using local storage - jquery and jquery cookie plugin

I have the working code which sets and clears cookie (remembers div's style) on click:

var originalAttributes = $('.aaa').attr('style');
    var d = $(this),
    id = d.attr('id'),
    storedStyle = $.cookie('aaaStyle' + id);
    if (storedStyle != undefined){   //style stored
        d.attr('style', storedStyle);

//mouse event functions for class="aaa"

$('#save').click(function () {
        var d = $(this),
        id = d.attr('id'),
        style = d.attr('style');
        if (style != originalAttributes){   //style changed
            $.cookie('aaaStyle' + id, style, { expires: 30 });


$('#clear').click(function () {
    // unset changes
        var d = $(this),
        id = d.attr('id');
        $.cookie('aaaStyle' + id, null);

Only problem which occurs with this is when I have to handle a lot of divs of the same class - cookie size can get to 500kb or more. Browsers supports only 4kb per cookie.

So the question is - how can this problem be avoided with this function and with the jquery cookie plugin? - gzip or / and splitting the cookie in small enough parts?

(in either way, it would be good to have some sort of compression in order to speed up the performance (if possible - but if not, doesn't matter))

edit: how this same "save - clear" functionality can be achieved with the local storage?

edit2: solved by user2111737 ( - uses local storage instead of cookie and works without cookie plugin.


  • if you don't need to access it on server side or eventually it's possible to manually send this data to server with xmlhttprequest I think you should rather try localStorage, eventually sessionStorage instead of cookies, then you have 20mb (200 in IE but shared with other sites). About compression - you can think about custom format and rebuild html code using stored data in fly - eg. i doubt this class can be absolutely anything - i guess it could be saved as number - or even better - one character. It gives you 255 classes saved as one sign