I have to write a script that will copy a file to a backup folder. If the file name is already taken, it will tack on an index. I can't seem to get it to work. The variable tmpfile never seems to carry the index counter. What am I doing wrong? The script is below.
Thanks, Sean
set srcdir=%~dp0
set oldxladir=%srcdir%OldXLAs
if not exist %oldxladir% mkdir %oldxladir%
set pathstart=C:\Documents and Settings\
set username=%USERNAME%
set pathend=\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\
set pattern=groovy*.xla
set xladir=%pathstart%%username%%pathend%
set xlapattern="%pathstart%%username%%pathend%%pattern%"
for %%f in (%xlapattern%) do (
set filename=%%~nxf
set srcfile=%xladir%%filename%
set destfile=%oldxladir%\%filename%
set tmpfile=%destfile%
set /a index=1
if exist tmpfile (
set /a index+=1
echo %index%
set tmpfile=%destfile%%index%
goto :loop
echo %tmpfile%
move "%srcfile%" "%tmpfile%"
set srcdir=%~dp0
set oldxladir=%srcdir%OldXLAs
if not exist %oldxladir% mkdir %oldxladir%
set pathstart=C:\Documents and Settings\
set username=%USERNAME%
set pathend=\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART\
set pattern=groovy*.xla
set xladir=%pathstart%%username%%pathend%
set xlapattern="%pathstart%%username%%pathend%%pattern%"
for %%f in (%xlapattern%) do (
set filename=%%~nxf
set srcfile=%xladir%!filename!
set destfile=%oldxladir%\!filename!
set tmpfile=!destfile!
set /a index=1
if exist !tmpfile! (
set /a index+=1
echo !index!
set tmpfile=!destfile!!index!
goto :loop
echo !tmpfile!
move "!srcfile!" "!tmpfile!"