I got a really strange problem. I'm trying to read some data from an excel file, but the property nrows
has a wrong value. Although my file has a lot of rows, it just returns 2.
I'm working in pydev eclipse. I don't know what is actually the problem; everything looks fine.
When I try to access other rows by index manually, but I got the index error.
I appreciate any help.
If it helps, it's my code:
def get_data_form_excel(address):
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(address)
profile_data_list = []
for s in wb.sheets():
for row in range(s.nrows):
if row > 0:
values = []
for column in range(s.ncols):
values.append(str(s.cell(row, column).value))
print str(profile_data_list)
return profile_data_list
After trying some other files I'm sure it's about the file, and I think it's related to Microsoft 2003 and 2007 differences.