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PDF Lib install fail on linux server. Using pecl install pdflib

I'm attempting to install pdflib on my server and receiving the error:

configure: error: pdflib.h not found! Check the path passed to --with-pdflib=<PATH>. PATH should be the install prefix directory. ERROR: /root/tmp/pear/pdflib/configure --with-pdflib=/usr/local' failed

I am entering the following in terminal:

pecl install pdflib

path to pdflib installation? :



  • I got it solved this way: Downloaded latest

    # cd /home/xxx/Downloads/
    # wget

    Un-tar-gzip it

    # tar xzf PDFlib-Lite-7.0.5p3.tar.gz
    # cd PDFlib-Lite-7.0.5p3

    See, if and where it contains pdflib.h

    # find . -name 'pdflib.h'

    Install via pecl

    # pecl install pdflib

    If it asks for path, enter the same full path /home/xxx/Downloads/pdf/PDFlib-Lite-7.0.5p3/libs/pdflib See from installation messages, if and where it added file (in php extensions directory, this dir name may vary but file has to exist):

    # ls -la /usr/lib/php5/20090626

    change pdf.ini

    # nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

    adding at the end

    (You may want to add it in command line php conf /etc/php5/cli/php.ini too)

    reload apache

    # service apache2 reload

    See, if this extension appears

    • for Apache see output of phpinfo() function if there is something new regarding PDFlib PDFlib PDFlib Support enabled PDFlib GmbH Binary-Version 7.0.5p3 PECL Version 3.0.0 Revision $Revision: $

    • for command line

    enter at prompt

    # php -i |grep PDF
    PDFlib Support => enabled
    PDFlib GmbH Binary-Version => 7.0.5p3