I am modifying an existing notes database. One form contains an embedded view which appears to be from a different notes database as the views that are selectable are not in the current database. I have some ideas where the source of the embedded view is, but I would like to have a better way to tell other than just guessing as we have a large number of databases.
Secondary to that can you change the database an embedded view is coming from without deleting and recreating the element? For example if I want to shift the source of an embedded view from a development database to the production version of the same database, how would I do that?
Just to be clear, this is an old question about Notes v7.0.
Unforetunately there is no frontend to find this out. And no frontend to change this. The only possibility is to Right- Click the Form in the left navigationpane and Click on "Edit with DXL". Then you get the "source" code of the form, and there you will find the embedded view:
<embeddedview name='YourViewAlias' database='C1257299904BB19C'
showactionbar='true'widthtype='fitwindow' height='5.9056in' scrollbars='true'>
<code event='showsinglecategory'>
in "database" you find the ReplicaID of the database where the view comes from.
Take care: DXL- Edit is not 100% round trip... some formattings may be lost, if you save the form in that editor (though I did not yet find something missing)