I use brand new usage of 'bash'.
echo Dan 38
read name age < <(func)
echo "name=$name age=$age"
How to convert these into dash? (In fact it is busybox's shell)
I use following lines to replace read name age < <(func)
func > /tmp/$$
name=`cat /tmp/$$ | awk '{print $1}'`
age=`cat /tmp/$$ | awk '{print $2}'`
rm /tmp/$$
But, I'm wonder is there better solution?
Modify the function to accept the names (you can think of them as pointers) of the variables where the result is to be written.
func () { eval "$1=Dan $2=38"; }
func name age
echo "name=$name age=$age"
This is similar to your solution, but has the advantage that it doesn't use files or call to external programs like awk.
func(){ echo Dan 38 }
name=${both%% *}
age=${both#* }
echo "name=$name age=$age"