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texturing a cylinder with multiple texture

I have one cylinder and I would like to texture it using 36 different bitmaps. The problem that If i texture the cylinder with just one texture, I see that is stretched, like the picture here :

// 90, 90, are top radius, down radius, 50 is the height, 60 segements w, 60 segments height.

reel = new CylinderGeometry(90,90,50,60,60,false,false,true);
   var textureBase2:Texture2DBase = new BitmapTexture(new reelTexture().bitmapData);
   matrial_Reel = new TextureMaterial(textureBase2);
   matrial_Reel.bothSides = true;

   reelMesh = new Mesh(reel, matrial_Reel);
   reel = null;

   reelMesh.mouseEnabled = true;

I would like also to put different textures one down the other, but to group them into one large texture, the problem is with the co-ordinates. I use the following code but still I get two pictures overlap each other

public static const SIZE : int 1024;
public var img1 : Bitmap;
public var img2 : Bitmap;

var bmp:BitmapData=new BitmapData(SIZE,SIZE,false,0);

//Draw img1 at 0,0

//Draw img2 at 512,0
bmp.draw(img2, new Matrix(1,0,0,1, SIZE/2, 0)); 

enter image description here


The new problem is I textured 12 pictures (128*128), but the last pictures is overlapping the last picture. I also want to texture 36 pictures, but the max texture is 4k in away3d, how would I do that ?

Here is a new pic with new code:

render = new BitmapData ( 2048 , 128 , false, 0 );

        for (var j:int = 0; j < bitmaps.length; j++) 

            if ( j == 0 ) 
                render.draw(bitmaps[0], matrix);

            else if ( j == bitmaps.length -1 ) 
                render.draw(bitmaps[j], matrix);
                render.draw(bitmaps[j], matrix);



        var m_finalText:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial ( new BitmapTexture( render) ) ;


  • I think you should make one texture out of 36 your bitmaps, then texture that cylinder with that texture. About how to put many bitmaps into one - say, your bitmaps are SIZE_X wide and SIZE_Y high - use the following:

    const NUM_X:int=6; // how many bitmaps in a row
    var bitmaps:Vector.<BitmapData>; // the bitmaps in a single array
    // for easier reference and for looping
    var cb:int; var cr:int; var cc:int;
    var p0:Point=new Point();
    var bigTexture:BitmapData=new BitmapData(NUM_X*SIZE_X,
    // use true for transparency if you want transparent texture
    for (cb=0;cb<bitmaps.length;cb++) {