I am a very beginner of C# and programming. I am trying to calculate a few DateTime
variables. The first one is called dDate
and second dDate1
(the previous day of dDate
), third dDate2
(the second previous day of dDate
, i.e., the previous day of dDate1
), the fourth dDate3
(the third previous day of dDate
, i.e., the second previous day of dDate1
and the previous day of dDate2
). They must be not holidays or weekends!
I've had all holidays and weekends stored in a dictionary called nd<DateTime, string>
. The key DateTime
has a series of date from 2011-01-01
to 2013-01-01
, step by one day and the value string
is either TR
or NT
, a string variable but not boolean. If it is weekend or holiday, string is NT
, otherwise TR
What I am trying to do is when dDate
is weekend or holiday, minus one day. For example, dDate
is 2012-01-02
which is a holiday, change dDate
to 2012-01-01
, and because it is weekend (Sunday), change it to 2011-12-31
, and it is weekend again, change dDate
to 2011-12-30
. Same to dDate1
, dDate2
and dDate3
The problem here is my code works fine for dDate
. But it gives an error:
the given key was not present in the dictionary
when I am doing the same thing for dDate1
, dDate2
or dDate3
. The code is attached below:
private Dictionary<DateTime, string> noDates;
noDates = new Dictionary<DateTime, string>();
public void ImportNoDate()
string str;
string[] line = new string[0];
while ((str = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
line = str.Split(',');
String date = line[1];
String flag = line[2];//flag is "NT" or "TR"
String[] tmp = date.Split('-');
date = Convert.ToInt32(tmp[0]) + "-" + Convert.ToInt32(tmp[1]) + "-" + Convert.ToInt32(tmp[2]);
DateTime noDate = DateTime.Parse(date);
noDates.Add(noDate, flag);
public void ImportdDate()
DDates dd = new DDates(dDate, noDates); //dDate is defined similar to noDate, it is just another //series of date
//DDates is an auxiliary cs file called DDates.cs
public DDates(DateTime dd, Dictionary<DateTime, string> nd)
dDate1 = dDate.AddDays(-1);
dDate1 = dDate.AddDays(-2);
dDate3 = dDate.AddDays(-3);
// dDate is imported from data file and has been Parse
// to DateTime and it is something like
// 2012-01-01 12:00:00 AM
if (nd.ContainsKey(dDate))
while (nd[dDate].Contains("NT"))
dDate = dDate.AddDays(-1);
//It works fine till here:
if (nd.ContainsKey(dDate1))
//It gives "the given key was not present in the dictionary" here:
while (nd[dDate1].Contains("NT"))
dDate1 = dDate1.AddDays(-1);
From your description it looks like what you are trying to do is for a given date find the first non holiday date.
Using a dictionary and storing every possible date is not the correct solution for this.
Personally I think a HashSet<DateTime>
plus a little math would be the best solution. In fact I was bored so I wrote it up
static class HolidayTester
private static HashSet<DateTime> fixedHolidays = new HashSet<DateTime>(new DayOnlyComparer())
new DateTime(1900,1,1), //New Years
new DateTime(1900,7,4), //4th of july
new DateTime(1900,12, 25) //Christmas
/// <summary>
/// Finds the most recent workday from a given date.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="date">The date to test.</param>
/// <returns>The most recent workday.</returns>
public static DateTime GetLastWorkday(DateTime date)
//Test for a non working day
if (IsDayOff(date))
//We hit a non working day, recursively call this function again on yesterday.
return GetLastWorkday(date.AddDays(-1));
//Not a holiday or a weekend, return the current date.
return date;
/// <summary>
/// Returns if the date is work day or not.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="testDate">Date to test</param>
/// <returns>True if the date is a holiday or weekend</returns>
public static bool IsDayOff(DateTime testDate)
return date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday ||
date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday || //Test for weekend
IsMovingHolidy(testDate) || //Test for a moving holiday
fixedHolidays.Contains(testDate); //Test for a fixed holiday
/// <summary>
/// Tests for each of the "dynamic" holidays that do not fall on the same date every year.
/// </summary>
private static bool IsMovingHolidy(DateTime testDate)
//Memoral day is the last Monday in May
if (testDate.Month == 5 && //The month is May
testDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday && //It is a Monday
testDate.Day > (31 - 7)) //It lands within the last week of the month.
return true;
//Labor day is the first Monday in September
if (testDate.Month == 9 && //The month is september
testDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday &&
testDate.Day <= 7) //It lands within the first week of the month
return true;
//Thanksgiving is the 4th Thursday in November
if (testDate.Month == 11 && //The month of November
testDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Thursday &&
testDate.Day > (7*3) && testDate.Day <= (7*4)) //Only durning the 4th week
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// This comparer only tests the day and month of a date time for equality
/// </summary>
private class DayOnlyComparer : IEqualityComparer<DateTime>
public bool Equals(DateTime x, DateTime y)
return x.Day == y.Day && x.Month == y.Month;
public int GetHashCode(DateTime obj)
return obj.Month + (obj.Day * 12);
Now it does not follow your rules exactly, this code tests if a day is a work day and keeps walking backwards till it hits the first non work day. It would be easy enough to modify, however I did not want to solve your problem exactly so you could learn a little (Unless I misunderstood the algorithm and I did solve the problem, in that case... your welcome)
The way you would use it is simply put in a date and then use that to decide if you are going to return TR
or NT
public static string GetDateLabel(DateTime testDate)
return "NT";
return "TR";
If you want to know the last working day you can call that directly from HolidayTester.GetLastWorkday(DateTime)