I've run into a frustrating problem with some max script I'm writing and was hoping someone might know why my code isn't working.
I've had success in my same script with other geometry and attach:
fn base = (
base_geo = convertToPoly(Plane length:10 width:10 pos:[0,0,5] isSelected:on lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1)
base_geo.pivot = [0,0,0]
return base_geo
corner_geo = base()
plane1 = base()
--irrelevant rotation + transformation scripts
corner_geo.attach plane1 corner_geo
this works fine
however when I try the same thing later:
fn place_trim x y z trim_type = (
maxOps.cloneNodes trim_type cloneType:#copy newNodes:&cur_group
cur_group.pos = [x,y,z]
--not sure how to properly access this name
--print "cur_group name = " + cur_group[1].name
return cur_group
fn walls trim_type = (
wall_geo = base()
rotate wall_geo (angleaxis -90 [1,0,0])
plane1 = base()
wall_geo.attach plane1 wall_geo
if trim_type == "inner" do (
trim_type = final_inner_trim
if trim_type == "outer" do (
trim_type = final_trim
if trim_type != undefined do (
trim = place_trim 0 0 0 trim_type
wall_geo.attach trim wall_geo
return wall_geo
final_trim = $trim_final
final_inner_trim = $inner_trim_final
When I reach the bolded section of code I get this error: "--Unable to convert: #($Editable_Poly:trim_final001 @ [0,0,0]) to type: node"
I'd be very grateful for any suggestions on what I'm doing incorrectly!
Although I've already replied back at cgtalk, the comment here turns it into a slightly different topic. In a situation like this, the only way I can think of to get the new copy of $Plane000 (assuming this default prefix as you are not specifying any other) by name would be searching for n of the $Plane* nodes with the highest number - don't do that, ever.
It doesn't matter that in this particular case, there's a simple solution where you get the node returned directly; in some cases (such as the detach command) you won't. Again, the detached object would get the default Object prefix, but actually the easiest way to get it is just
obj = objects[objects.count]
Same applies for a bunch of newly created objects: get a count of objects before, then when yu get some new nodes in the scene through a process over which you have little or no control (think third party plugins), simply collecting the nodes starting from the previous count raised by one will get you there.