Here's a sample grails g:select to be rendered in a gsp:
<g:select name=""
optionKey="id" />
And the HTML would look something like this:
<select id="" name="">
<option value="1">ABC Company</option>
<option value="2">XYZ Company</option>
So the company domain has entries for:
ABC Company
XYZ Company
I'm trying to format the text of each option, so the user would see:
Some text - ABC Company:
Some text - XYZ Company:
How can I format the output of Company.list() to include pre and post text for display in the view?
Use optionValue
<g:select name=""
optionValue="Some text - ${}:" />
provided name
depicts the name
of the Company
(ideally the former case works if you have toString()
implemented in Company to return the name
by default)
Further reading on optionValue.