Is there any decent way to iconv keys in a multidimensional array?
I need to json_encode one, but first it has to be in unicode, right? So, is there any hack or something? After some straightforward attemts (array_walk_recursive?) I've tried serializing the full array, then iconv, then unserializing - however all punctuation (i.e. brackets etc.) turned into a mess and unserializing just failed.
You can not achieve that with array_walk_recursive()
in common case - since it will not work with those keys, which values are arrays:
Any key that holds an array will not be passed to the function.
Instead of this you can write simple manual walk through:
function iconvKeys(array &$rgData, $sIn, $sOut)
$rgData = array_combine(array_map(function($sKey) use ($sIn, $sOut)
return iconv($sIn, $sOut, $sKey);
}, array_keys($rgData)), array_values($rgData));
foreach($rgData as &$mValue)
$mValue = iconvKeys($mValue, $sIn, $sOut);
return $rgData;
$rgData = iconvKeys($rgData, 'UCS-2', 'UTF-8');//sample
-I suggest also to read iconv manual page to be aware about conversion modifiers.