I have a directory that contains sub-directories and other files and would like to update the date/timestamps recursively with the date/timestamp of another file/directory.
I'm aware that:
touch -r file directory
changes the date/timestamp for the file or directory with the others, but nothing within it. There's also the find version which is:
find . -exec touch -mt 201309300223.25 {} +\;
which would work fine if i could specify the actual file/directory and use anothers date/timestamp. Is there a simple way to do this? even better, is there a way to avoid changing/updating timestamps when doing a 'cp'?
even better, is there a way to avoid changing/updating timestamps when doing a 'cp'?
Yes, use cp
with the -p
same as --preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps
preserve the specified attributes (default: mode,ownership,timestamps), if possible additional attributes: context, links, xattr, all
$ ls -ltr
-rwxrwxr-x 1 me me 368 Apr 24 10:50 old_file
$ cp old_file not_maintains <----- does not preserve time
$ cp -p old_file do_maintains <----- does preserve time
$ ls -ltr
total 28
-rwxrwxr-x 1 me me 368 Apr 24 10:50 old_file
-rwxrwxr-x 1 me me 368 Apr 24 10:50 do_maintains <----- does preserve time
-rwxrwxr-x 1 me me 368 Sep 30 11:33 not_maintains <----- does not preserve time
To recursively touch
files on a directory based on the symmetric file on another path, you can try something like the following:
find /your/path/ -exec touch -r $(echo {} | sed "s#/your/path#/your/original/path#g") {} \;
It is not working for me, but I guess it is a matter of try/test a little bit more.