I am adding objects of cache dependency to an array of such AggregateCacheDependency. when I finish with the array I dispose it. my question is do I have to dispose just the array containing the objects or do I have to dispose of the objects them self before?
You don need explicitly dispose the objects within AggregateCacheDependency as it hendles disposal of its objects itself. Here is the metohod of AggregateCacheDependency which disposes each object in its array:
protected override void DependencyDispose()
CacheDependency[] array = null;
bool flag = false;
Monitor.Enter(this, ref flag);
this._disposed = true;
if (this._dependencies != null)
array = (CacheDependency[])this._dependencies.ToArray(typeof(CacheDependency));
this._dependencies = null;
if (flag)
if (array != null)
CacheDependency[] array2 = array;
for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++)
CacheDependency cacheDependency = array2[i];