I'm building a simple kernel for future tests applications, like MEMTEST and others.
So, what I have right now is the bootloader. What i need to do is load another file that I'll compile put in the second sector of the floppy disk and then run.
So, how can I load the rest of the floppy into RAM and then run?
You don't need to be 100% accurate, I just need to know and learn the necessary interrupts and "functions" to do that I need :)
just to share the bootloader:
[BITS 16] ;set 16bit mode
[ORG 0x7C00] ; address location where the program will run
jmp main ;start on main
mov si,hstr ; put the pointer into si register
call printstr ;print hstr
;call load_kernel
;here we gonna load kernel into memory and then we will run it.
mov si,mstr ; put the pointer into si register
call printstr ;print mstr
jmp hold ;idle the CPU
hlt ;idle CPU
;This will write in TTY char that will be loaded into al 8bit register.
lodsb ;load into al
cmp al,0 ; set flag if al is 0
jnz print ; if isnt equal to 0 then jump to print
ret ;else return to main
print: ;print the char
mov ah,0x0E ;set the ah before calling the video interrupt
int 10h ;here we go
jmp printstr ;jump back
hstr db "Loading ...",13,10,0 ;define the strings. 13 is ASCII, 10 for new line, 0 is the null terminator
mstr db "CPU is now idle!",13,10,0
times 510 - ($-$$) db 0 ;fill the rest of the sector(less 2 last bytes) with 0's. 510-(here-start)=free space with 0's
dw 0xAA55 ;the last 2 bytes of the sector with AA55 signature. means that is the bootloader.
To load data from floppy disk or hard disk interrupt 13 (hexadecimal) is used.
Using the interrupt with floppy disk is more complicated (function AH=2 - that can also be used with hard disks - uses C/H/S-Addressing of sectors) than using hard disks (function AH=0x42 - which is not present in very old BIOSes (before the year 2000) - can only be used together with hard disks and not with floppy disks).
To run C code you need a C compiler generating 16-bit code (maybe the Watcom C compiler is still able to do this) or you have to switch to 32-bit protected mode.
The WIKI at "osdev.org" is a good resource for OS programming where you'll find a lot of information.