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Why the Generated ImageUrl is wrong

i have strored images in a folder within my project with name like this


and other details of image are stored in the database

i have used the following procedure to fetch the image

create proc prcMainPhoto(@ProductID int)
select p.ProductID ,
isnull(( select top 1 convert(varchar,PhotoID,10) + '.' + ExtName from ProductPhoto where ProductID= p.ProductID ),'NoImage.jpg')as MainPhoto
from ProductInfo as p where p.ProductID=@ProductID

and give imageurl to image like this

DataSet ds1 = new ClientProductView().GetMainPhotoInDeatailPage(productid);
string img = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MainPhoto"].ToString();
imgmain.ImageUrl ="./productimages / main / "+ img;

but the image is genrating this url


i have coded in page ProductDetails which is placed outside

Please help


  • Must give imageurl like this

     DataSet ds1 = new ClientProductView().GetMainPhotoInDeatailPage(1);
            string img = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MainPhoto"].ToString();
            image.ImageUrl = string.Format("productimages/main/" + img);