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How to create EF in SCOSTA smartcard

I m writing into SCOSTA (specification owned by Indian government) smart card by using APDU commands. I am able to create MF (Master File) and DF (Dedicated File) but when I am creating EF (Elementary file) I am getting an 6A80 - wrong data / Incorrect values in command data. The command which I am using to create the EF is

00 E0 00 00 09 62 07 82 01 00 83 02 4004 00

Could somebody please provide me the correct command to create the EF?


  • What takumar means is, that while the structure of the create file command is standardized (see 7816 part 9, contained FCI data objects in part 4), the Data Objects necessary for your card may vary. I personally assume, that a file descriptor (contained in DO 82) of 0 (meaning "no information given") as you specified is unlikely to succeed, try 1 for transparent file instead. Also I recommend specifying a file size (data object 80) and the appropriate access condition for the file (too many choices, so I supply no guess), otherwise even after successful creation you may not be able to write/read later.