This is my class which returns the multiplication of parameters
class NetAssetValue
def calculate_net_asset_value(number_of_shares, price)
number_of_shares * price
And this is my Test
require 'net_asset_value'
require 'test/unit'
class NetAssetValueTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
@asset =
def test_calculate_net_asset_value_for_a_symbol
assert_equal(100, @asset.calculate_net_asset_value(20,5))
I am using SimpleCov 0.7.1. The coverage report says the one line in the method is not covered though it is being covered.
It says the coverage is 66.67% and the line
number_of_shares * price
is not covered But when I debug in RubyMine and place a breakpoint on that line it is being hit.
Need Help on this. Thank you.
You can't use Simplecov from within Rake::TestTask
since that task runs the tests in a separate process. See
To clarify: You can certainly use SimpleCov by using a Rakefile, but you can't start (SimpleCov.start
) it in the Rakefile. You need to do that in the test, e.g. in your test helper.
Keep in mind that SimpleCov.start
must be called before requiring your production code.