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Eclipse can't find Oracle VM Emulator

I have read pretty much every post on this subject and nothing seems to work. Eclipse can not find any devices, real or emulated, to run or debug my applications. I usually use an Oracle VM and a couple of weeks ago it stopped showing up on target devices. I have reset the ADB in Eclipse but this did not work. I am sorry about the repost but I do not know what to do.


  • I use this batch file to get ADB to work: @

    rem  kill/start server
    Set ADBPath=D:\AndroidDevelopment\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130522\sdk\platform-tools\
    @REM D:\AndroidDevelopment\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130522\sdk\tools\emulator-x86.exe -avd Simple_AVD
    %ADBPath%adb devices
    %AdBPath%adb.exe kill-server
    %AdBPath%adb start-server

    Have you set the Port Forwarding Rules for the VM Networking? It needs to be set for ports 5037 and 5555enter image description here