I wanted my QT application to store certain logs in different files.
I had been using qDebug() << "LOG Messages"
to output information.
The problem in this method is that all output will come on the same screen even if you are threading.
The QDebug class documents that I can make a QDebug(QIODevice * dev) to give any QIODEvice as the device to store data. So I wrote the following code but it doesnt work :
QString logfilePath = "/var/log/1.log";
QFile * logfile = new QFile(logfilePath);
// There is an error
QDebug * logger = new QDebug(logfile);
*logger << "msg";
The file is created but no information is stored in the file. I even checked the QDebug code and it looks like it creates a TEXT Stream on the QIODevice. So why is no output being stored in the file ?
Also I know the qMessageInstaller function. But it wont work for me because it is a universal handler and I would like different threads to store log messages in different files.
Use this
*logger << "Hello!" << endl;
Or this
*logger << "Hello!" << flush;
Remember to delete logger, which will flush the stream too.
delete logger;
Make sure you are writing to different files in different threads too.