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Estimating parameters in multivariate classification

Newbie here typesetting my question, so excuse me if this don't work.

I am trying to give a bayesian classifier for a multivariate classification problem where input is assumed to have multivariate normal distribution. I choose to use a discriminant function defined as log(likelihood * prior).

However, from the distribution,

$${f(x \mid\mu,\Sigma) = (2\pi)^{-Nd/2}\det(\Sigma)^{-N/2}exp[(-1/2)(x-\mu)'\Sigma^{-1}(x-\mu)]}$$

i encounter a term -log(det($S_i$)), where $S_i$ is my sample covariance matrix for a specific class i. Since my input actually represents a square image data, my $S_i$ discovers quite some correlation and resulting in det(S_i) being zero. Then my discriminant function all turn Inf, which is disastrous for me.

I know there must be a lot of things go wrong here, anyone willling to help me out?

UPDATE: Anyone can help how to get the formula working?


  • I do not analyze the concept, as it is not very clear to me what you are trying to accomplish here, and do not know the dataset, but regarding the problem with the covariance matrix:

    The most obvious solution for data, where you need a covariance matrix and its determinant, and from numerical reasons it is not feasible is to use some kind of dimensionality reduction technique in order to capture the most informative dimensions and simply discard the rest. One such method is Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which applied to your data and truncated after for example 5-20 dimensions would yield the reduced covariance matrix with non-zero determinant.

    PS. It may be a good idea to post this question on Cross Validated