Currently attempting to get this program to use multithreading using pthread_create
, pthread_join
, pthread_exit
, and pthread_self
. I then intend to use crypt_r
in place of crypt
in my code.
It will only be able to go up to 8 threads, but I don't even know how to get started with two. I just have one line that declares pthread_t t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8
The plan with these is to put them in to pthread_create
but besides initializing these values, I don't know where to go from here.
I know that pthread_create's input would be something like pthread_create(t1, NULL, ... , ...)
but I do not know how to go about making the 3rd input or what the 4th input even is.
I then have to make sure to split up the range of letters that each thread is checking based on the number of threads specified by a command line arg. I've designed this so far to work on one thread only, planning on moving it to crypt_r
with multithreading...
Really confused as to how I could get to make this work.. If possible.
I know some sort of void function is the third entry in to pthread_create
.. but does that function have to be what my passwordChecker is? Or what?
/* g++ -o crack crack.c -lcrypt -lpthread */
//#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <crypt.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
void *passwordLooper(int ks, char target[9], char s[10]);
void *threadFunction(void *threads);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ /* usage = crack threads keysize target */
int i = 0;
/* arg[0] = crack, arg[1] = #of threads arg[2] = size of password, arg[3] = hashed password being cracked */
if (argc != 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "Too few/many arguements give.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Proper usage: ./crack threads keysize target\n");
int threads = *argv[1]-'0'; // threads is now equal to the second command line argument number
int keysize = *argv[2]-'0'; // keysize is now equal to the third command line argument number
char target[9];
strcpy(target, argv[3]);
char salt[10];
while ( i < 2 ){ //Takes first two characters of the hashed password and assigns them to the salt variable
salt[i] = target[i];
printf("threads = %d\n", threads); /*used for testing */
printf("keysize = %d\n", keysize);
printf("target = %s\n", target);
printf("salt = %s\n", salt);
if (threads < 1 || threads > 8){
fprintf(stderr, "0 < threads <= 8\n");
} /*Checks to be sure that threads and keysize are*/
if (keysize < 1 || keysize > 8){ /*of the correct size */
fprintf(stderr, "0 < keysize <= 8\n");
pthread_t t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8;
if ( threads = 1 ){
pthread_create(&t1, NULL, *threadFunction, threads);
char unSalted[30];
int j = 0;
for (i = 2; target[i] != '\0'; i++){ /*generates variable from target that does not include salt*/
unSalted[j] = target[i];
printf("unSalted = %s\n", unSalted); //unSalted is the variable target without the first two characters (the salt)
char password[9] = {0};
passwordLooper(keysize, target, salt);
void *passwordLooper(int ks, char target[9], char s[10]){
char password[9] = {0};
struct crypt_data cd;
cd.initialized = 0;
int result;
for (;;){
int level = 0;
while (level < ks && strcmp( crypt(password, s), target ) != 0) {
if (password[level] == 0){
password[level] = 'a';
if (password[level] >= 'a' && password[level] < 'z'){
if (password[level] == 'z'){
password[level] = 'a';
char *cryptPW = crypt(password, s);
result = strcmp(cryptPW, target);
if (result == 0){ //if result is zero, cryptPW and target are the same
printf("result = %d\n", result);
printf ("Password found: %s\n", password);
printf("Hashed version of password is %s\n", cryptPW);
if (level >= ks){ //if level ends up bigger than the keysize, break, no longer checking for passwords
printf("Password not found\n");
return 0;
By: Zach Corse
/* g++ -o crack crack.c -lcrypt -lpthread */
//#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <crypt.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <malloc.h>
void *passwordLooper(void *passwordData);
//void *threadFunction(void *threads);
typedef struct{
int keysize;
char *target;
char *salt;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ /* usage = crack threads keysize target */
int i = 0;
/* arg[0] = crack, arg[1] = #of threads arg[2] = size of password, arg[3] = hashed password being cracked */
if (argc != 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "Too few/many arguements give.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Proper usage: ./crack threads keysize target\n");
int threads = *argv[1]-'0'; // threads is now equal to the second command line argument number
int keysize = *argv[2]-'0'; // keysize is now equal to the third command line argument number
char target[9];
strcpy(target, argv[3]);
char salt[10];
while ( i < 2 ){ //Takes first two characters of the hashed password and assigns them to the salt variable
salt[i] = target[i];
printf("threads = %d\n", threads); /*used for testing */
printf("keysize = %d\n", keysize);
printf("target = %s\n", target);
printf("salt = %s\n", salt);
if (threads < 1 || threads > 8){
fprintf(stderr, "0 < threads <= 8\n");
} /*Checks to be sure that threads and keysize are*/
if (keysize < 1 || keysize > 8){ /*of the correct size */
fprintf(stderr, "0 < keysize <= 8\n");
pthread_t t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8;
struct crypt_data data;
data.initialized = 0;
//~ passwordData.keysize = keysize;
//~ = target;
//~ passwordData.salt = salt;
passwordData *pwd = (passwordData *) malloc(sizeof(pwd));
pwd->keysize = keysize;
pwd->target = target;
pwd->salt = salt;
//~ if ( threads = 1 ){
//~ pthread_create(&t1, NULL, *threadFunction, threads);
//~ }
char unSalted[30];
int j = 0;
for (i = 2; target[i] != '\0'; i++){ /*generates variable from target that does not include salt*/
unSalted[j] = target[i];
printf("unSalted = %s\n", unSalted); //unSalted is the variable target without the first two characters (the salt)
char password[9] = {0};
void *passwordLooper(passwordData pwd){
char password[9] = {0};
int result;
int ks = pwd.keysize;
char *target =;
char *s = pwd.salt;
for (;;){
int level = 0;
while (level < ks && strcmp( crypt(password, s), target ) != 0) {
if (password[level] == 0){
password[level] = 'a';
if (password[level] >= 'a' && password[level] < 'z'){
if (password[level] == 'z'){
password[level] = 'a';
char *cryptPW = crypt(password, s);
result = strcmp(cryptPW, target);
if (result == 0){ //if result is zero, cryptPW and target are the same
printf("result = %d\n", result);
printf ("Password found: %s\n", password);
printf("Hashed version of password is %s\n", cryptPW);
if (level >= ks){ //if level ends up bigger than the keysize, break, no longer checking for passwords
printf("Password not found\n");
return 0;
Well, here's the prototype for pthread_create:
int pthread_create(pthread_t *restrict thread, const pthread_attr_t *restrict attr, void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *restrict arg);
It shows that the 3rd arg is a pointer to a function that returns a pointer to void and takes a pointer to void as its sole argument. I see you have a prototype for:
void *threadFunction(void *threads);
which meets those specifications, but it's not actually written? The 4th argument in pthread_create is just a pointer to void, which can essentially contain anything you want it to.
I'm guessing that the function you want to thread is actually passwordLooper, which takes 3 arguments.. but pthread_create specifies a function that takes only 1. You have to find a workaround so that you can only accept a single argument to your passwordLooper function yet still pass all 3 variables that you care about. There are a few ways this can be done: