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Scala Slick Comprehension issues

I have the following in a library:

Case Class:

case class Foo(
  id: Option[Long],
  bar: Long


object Foos extends Mapper[Foo]("foo"){ //I'm using slick-inegration so the id is free
  def bar = column[Long]("bar")
  def cols = bar ~ ...
  def * = id.? ~: cols <> (Foo, Foo.unapply _)
  def returningId = cols returning id
  def insert(f: Foo)(implicit s: Session) = returningId.insert(Generic[Foo].to(f).tail.tupled)


The data access layer is set up in the binary that utilizes these models. If I try a comprehension such as "for(f<-Foos) yield f", inside of the Foos definition, we're happy. If I try it anywhere in the codebase which uses this library, I get:

value map is not a member of object DB.this.Foos

My guess is it's not getting lifted into a Query, but I'm not entirely sure. Any clarity would be appreciated.


  • Try doing:

      import slick.driver.MySQLDriver.simple._

    or whichever driver it is that you need. You'll need the implicit classes in there to provide the map 'extension' method on Foos.