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Overload resolution failed when attempting to display messagebox

I'm having an issue writing in VB 2010 with the following code.

 Public Sub about(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    MessageBox.Show("Omega Management System © Shelby Taylor 2013 ******", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End Sub

I have this code in a module that I'm using as a general purpose 'holder' to hold some database connections behind the scenes of my program. I would like to make a messagebox subprocedure which will display my contact information should the user click a button, in which case I will call upon this procedure and display the messagebox.

I am receiving the following error.

Error   1   Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Show' can be called without a narrowing conversion:
'Public Shared Function Show(owner As System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window, text As String, caption As String) As System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult': Argument matching parameter 'owner' narrows from 'String' to 'System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window'.
'Public Shared Function Show(owner As System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window, text As String, caption As String) As System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult': Argument matching parameter 'text' narrows from 'System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons' to 'String'.
'Public Shared Function Show(owner As System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window, text As String, caption As String) As System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult': Argument matching parameter 'caption' narrows from 'System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon' to 'String'.
'Public Shared Function Show(text As String, caption As String, buttons As System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons) As System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult': Argument matching parameter 'caption' narrows from 'System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons' to 'String'.
'Public Shared Function Show(text As String, caption As String, buttons As System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons) As System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult': Argument matching parameter 'buttons' narrows from 'System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon' to 'System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons'. M:\oms\omega_managment_system\WindowsApplication1\globalStructures.vb   21  9   Omega Managment System

And I don't understand what is happening. Could someone please explain what the issue is, and how to fix it?

Thank you.


  • The error message tells all:

    Public Shared Function Show(text As String, caption As String, _
    buttons As System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons) ...
    Argument matching parameter 'caption' narrows from 
      'System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons' to 'String'.

    You have to follow those formats. The second arg should be a string (the caption) but you are passing the button info. There are multiple ways it can be called (so the multiple msgs) but you need to follow one of them