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Trouble with RequireJS optimizer config, bbb release

I'm using RequireJS, backbone boilerplate with layout manager, JamJS to help manage packages, and everything works fine in development, but when I try to create a production version with concatenated files it doesn't work.

It looks like the shim in my config might not be getting loaded. For example, the error I get in my console is Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'cookie' of undefined, so jQuery is not getting loaded as a dependency for the jquery.cookie. Here's my app config:

// Set the require.js configuration for your application.

  // Initialize the application with the main application file and the JamJS
  // generated configuration file.
  deps: ["../vendor/jam/require.config", "main"],

  paths: {
    baseUrl : '/',
    config : "config",

    // JavaScript folders.
    api : "libs/api",
    app : "app",

    // Libraries.
    almond : "../vendor/jam/js/libs/almond",
    engagement : "libs/engagement",
    environment : "libs/environment",
    jquery : "../vendor/jam/jquery/jquery",
    jqueryui : "../vendor/js/libs/jquery-ui-1.9.1.custom.min",

    "jquery-cookie" : "../vendor/jam/jquery-cookie/jquery.cookie",

    chosen : "../vendor/js/libs/jquery.chosen.min",
    colorpicker : "../vendor/js/libs/jquery.colorpicker",
    bootstrap : "../vendor/js/libs/bootstrap",
    jqueryuiwidget : "../vendor/js/libs/jquery.ui.widget",

    jstemplates : "../vendor/js/libs/tmpl",
    jsloadimage : "../vendor/js/libs/load-image",
    jscanvastoblob : "../vendor/js/libs/canvas-to-blob",
    iframetransport : "../vendor/js/libs/jquery.iframe-transport",
    fileupload : "../vendor/js/libs/jquery.fileupload",
    fileuploadfp : "../vendor/js/libs/jquery.fileupload-fp",
    fileuploadui : "../vendor/js/libs/jquery.fileupload-ui",
    fileuploadlib : "libs/fileupload",

    highchartsgraytheme : "../vendor/js/libs/gray",
    highchartsexporter : "../vendor/js/libs/exporting",

    adpin : "libs/adpin",

    val : "../vendor/js/libs/jquery.validate.min",
    valmethods : "../vendor/js/libs/additional-methods.min",

    advertiser : "libs/advertiser",
    messages : "libs/messages",

    user : "libs/user",
    zeroclipboard : "../vendor/js/libs/zero-clipboard",

    jqgrid : "../vendor/js/libs/jquery.jqGrid.min",
    jqgridsource : "../vendor/js/libs/grid.locale-en",

    reporting : "libs/reporting",
    adlift : "libs/adlift",
    utilities : "libs/utilities",
    qrcode : "../vendor/js/libs/jquery.qrcode.min",
    base64 : "../vendor/js/libs/base64",

    kinetic : "../vendor/js/libs/kinetic.min",
    canvaslib : "libs/canvas",

    socialstream : "libs/socialstream",
    analytics : "libs/analytics",

    classie : "../vendor/js/libs/classie",

    classie_modernizr : "../vendor/js/libs/modernizr.custom",

    qtip2 : "../vendor/js/libs/jquery.qtip",

    sponsored : 'libs/sponsoredcontent',

    publisher : 'libs/publisher',

    xml : '../vendor/jam/codemirror3/mode/xml/xml'

  shim: {

    "jquery-cookie" : {
        deps : ["jquery"]

    "api" : {
        deps : ["environment"]

    "xml" : {
        deps : ["codemirror3"]

    "classie" : {
        deps : ["classie_modernizr"]

    "jqueryui" : {
        deps : ["jquery"]

        deps : ["jquery"]

    "jqueryuiwidget" : {
        deps : ["jquery"]

    "jstemplates" : {
        deps : ["jquery"]

    "jsloadimage" : {
        deps : ["jquery"]

    "jscanvastoblob" : {
        deps : ["jquery"]

    "fileupload" : {
        deps : ["jquery", "jqueryuiwidget"]

    "fileuploadfp" : {
        deps : ["jquery", "jscanvastoblob", "fileupload"]

    "fileuploadui" : {
        deps : ["jquery", "jstemplates", "jsloadimage", "fileuploadfp", "fileuploadlib"]

    "qrcode" : {
        deps : ["jquery"]

    "base64" : {
        deps : ["jquery"]

    "highchartsgraytheme" : {
        deps : ["highcharts"]

    "highchartsexporter" : {
        deps : ["highcharts"]

    "utilities" : {
        deps : ["lodash", "jquery", "val"]

    "val" : {
        deps : ["jquery"]

    "valmethods" : { 
        deps: ["jquery", "val"]

    "zeroclipboard": {
        deps : ["jquery"]

    "jqgrid" : {
        deps : ["jquery", "jqgridsource"]

    "jqgridsource" : {
        deps : ["jquery"]

    "bootstrap" : {
        deps : ["jquery"]


Here's how I load up my require.js file:

<script data-main="/app/config" src="/dist/debug/require.js"></script>

Any ideas on what might be going on? When I use bbb release, everything completes without an error to create that debug file.


  • I have some suggestions, this might sound stupid, but since I don't have my hands on the file guessing is the best I can do, so, make sure that there is no: define(["jquery"], ..... in your jquery-cookie file, because you should either include it in shim or with this define but not both because it may cause a conflict. if it worked let me know to add an explanation of why this happened, best of luck.